6 Challenging Crossword Puzzle Clues that will Leave You Clueless

by Carol Lee
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Crosswords have been around for more than a century now. Although, there is a little bit of variation here and there but the main premise has always been the same. That is, solving clues with words/letters that fit the space which is blank.

You must have tried your hands on a puzzle game at least once in your lifetime. If you think you have solved very challenging crosswords, check the trickiest clues that have ever existed.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Clue 1: Leaning column?

Length: 9 letter word

Meaning: Whenever you see any clue in the crossword puzzle that has a question mark, you have to be very careful about the answer. In a puzzle, there are words which are either a ‘wordplay’ (puns) or ‘crosswordese’ (common words in a puzzle).

This one is certainly a ‘wordplay.’ Don’t think that it has anything to do with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Unable to think what it might be? Start reading it as ‘op-ed,’ a newspaper column that expresses an opinion or leaning.


Clue 2: Strips in a Club

Length: 5 letter word

What are you thinking? Brendan Emmett Quigley makes it understand how the mind has to be made more elastic while solving the online puzzle games. Strips in a club will make your mind go in a different direction, and you may not be thinking about club sandwich. This is where you will get the answer.

Answer: BACON

Clue 3: Group of Crows

Length: 6 letter word

This one is from The New York Times, Saturday Crossword. Now you get it, why is this tricky? NY Times Saturday puzzles are usually tough. Although Will Shortz and Joel Fagliano, editors of the crossword puzzle don’t go for grim clues but sometimes they have to make the puzzle interesting by giving a smart clue.

Answer: MURDER

CLUE 4: Yep, perfectly clear.’

Length: 7 letter word

Meaning: Rely on the puzzle answers that will mean from the clue. This clue is surrounded by quotations which show it is a spoken phrase. It will also be a casual and slang approach. The answer is certainly a phrase which is informal.

Answer: I HEAR YA

Clue 5: [Boo-Hoo]

Length: 5 letter word

Meaning: When you see brackets in a clue, your mind starts thinking hard. You have to remember that this clue of a crossword puzzle refers to non-verbal communication or any type of indirect reference. Although there are no hard and fast rules for the clues that are in brackets. It is only the wordplay that will make you think outside the box.

Answer: IM SAD

Clue 6: They come in last

Length: 3 letter word

Meaning: Your mind may be jumping to the competition when you read this word game clue. Are you thinking about what the participants who come last are called? But, this is not anything related to the answer. Surprisingly, they are the last few letters of the alphabets.

Answer: XYZ

How challenging did you find the crossword puzzle clues? Do you know any other clues that are the hardest? Comment and let us know.

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